Make A Number Cake The Easy Way

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A number cake is the new twist on the traditional, same old birthday cake you’ve done a hundred times. Time for a switch up!

The EASIEST Way To Make A Number Cake

I don’t do anything that’s not easy (except give birth to 4 children!). Rather than take on anything elaborate that makes life more complicated, I’ll take on this EASY method and whip this trendy number cake up in under an hour!

number cake pinterest image

(My soon-to-be 6 year old asked for a candy cake… specifically, a Mike and Ike cake. Although that’s not exactly what I would ask for on my cake, candy cakes aren’t a new thing for me so I was happy to grant his wish!)

Mike & Ike Number Cake Ingredients

  • Large Silicone Number Cake Mould (I used this number cake mould from Amazon- I would buy this again)
  • Two box cake mixes and ingredients they required (vegetable oil and 6 eggs)
  • 2 cans of pre-made frosting
  • 5-6 boxes of Mike and Ikes ( we used this Bulk Pack from Amazon)

ingredients for number cake with mike and Ikes

The great part about using the “6” is that you can use this silicon mould again when your kids turn 9, and of course for younger ones too. So it’s not a one and done! 

Number Cake Instructions

  1. Heat the oven to 325 and spray/grease the silicon mould.
  2. Mix both box cake mixes together. Follow the directions on the back of the box.
  3. Stabilize the silicon mould by putting it on a cookie sheet. Then pour the cake mixture in, until the mould is roughly 3/4th full. Although it might depend on what number you are using, for my number 6 I used about 1 and 3/4th of the cake mixture. Keep in mind, cakes do not bake perfectly flat on top, so you are aiming to have all of the mix cook to the top of the silicon mould as a minimum. The reason is explained in step 1 of decorating. (You don’t have to toss the leftover mix though- throw your extras into cupcake tins and make a few bonus cupcakes!)
  4. Bake for roughly 40-45 minutes, but again this will depend on which number you use. Test with a toothpick and cool.

Decorating Your Mike and Ike Cakecutting a number cake at the top with a knifenumber cake in the shape o a 6

  1. Once the cake has cooled, take a long, serrated knife and cut off the top of the cake. Flip it over so it sits flat.
  2. Pop the mould off. It should come up easily. If you end up with uneven spots on the bottom and it doesn’t sit flat, fill in the holes with icing.
  3. Cover entire cake with icing. TIP! Use an icing spatula so that it goes on smooth.
  4. For the Mike and Ike cake frosting, place candies on your frosted cake in neat rows, starting from the center. Trim the Mike and Ikes with a knife for the small corners.number cake also called a candy cake covered in mike and Ikes
    This fun number cake offers lots of room for variety! Enjoy!

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Hi! I’m Chrissy, and I blog about making homes beautiful! We are renovating a full-of-potential house, while I share lifestyle content and thoughtful ways to beautify your home.

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