Elevate Your Life At The Kitchen Counter

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“Can you come over and snap some pics of my fam hanging out around our kitchen counter?” I asked my sweet neighbor/photographer last Saturday. “Maybe just hang out with us while we share a plate of charcuterie.”  family hanging out around kid friendly counter stools

I am partnering with Serena & Lily on this post, and they asked for some real life photographs of our family using our favorite kid friendly stools, the Riviera Counter Stools. These stools are central to where we spend our days. I wanted to document our family doing what most families do best: sitting around the kitchen island, eating, talking, and being together.

Perhaps this isn’t a request photographers get every day, but I was psyched about this particular photo op. Family rituals, especially the most ordinary, common rituals, create perhaps the greatest happiness and connection. Forget photos of formal event- these mundane and happy every day moments at the kitchen counter are where life is happening!

man and woman putting together a cheese plate at kitchen island, 4 kid friendly counter stools lined upman and woman making a plate of food in kitchenwoman cooking in kitchen

Our kitchen island has plenty of space for a family of 6 to gather around. We choose quartz for our countertops because there is no maintenance. Of course we needed kid friendly counter stools for the island. Four pairs of dirty feet (thats 40 little dirty toes!) would be all over my stools, not to mention all those grubby hands (40 little fingers!).

kid friendly counter stools with children sitting on them

But if you know my style, I love a light, pretty, and upscale aesthetic. We choose the Riviera Backless Counter Stools because they are attractive, made of high quality materials, and mix nicely with the coastal design of our kitchen. I adore the fresh pattern on top – it reminds me of our trip to Paris! Serena & Lily proves that practical can also be beautiful!

I first owned them in navy and white, and then after our home had water damage and we had to replace some items, I bought them again in the gray and white.

family cooking together at kitchen, 3 kids sitting on kid friendly counter stools(My oldest wanted to go fishing this particular day, and I let him go. After all, I was documenting real life, wasn’t I? That’s his little empty stool on the end.)

I think one day when the kids are older, I might look into Serena & Lily’s stools with backs and arms. But right now Camille and Leo, our two littlest ones, find it easiest to climb up onto backless stools. These are super toddler and kid friendly counter stools- heavy enough not to tip. The rattan has subtle organic marks on it, so the stools can get nicked a bit and remain looking perfect. The woven plastic on top means you can just wipe all the food off.  You can literally take these stools outside and hose them down! How’s that for a mom of 4 kids!

kids sitting on kid friendly counter stoolsgirls smiling and eating little girl smiling in the kitchenYou know those Saturdays when you eat a late breakfast, and soon it’s mid afternoon and too late to eat lunch? That is pretty typical of our weekends, and for what feels like forever we have been making charcuterie plates together in the afternoons. I had no idea they would become our weekend ritual, our kids’ most requested snack! It requires no heating up, no prep work, and makes you feel good! Gathering around and eating together like this naturally encourages my kids to try new things, like green olives or a new kind of cheese.

Serena and lily napkin

Our Serena & Lily Brela napkins fit in effortlessly with our Saturday afternoon charcuterie plates. They are that fine balance of luxe but casual, made of soft cotton. I like incorporating them into causal moments.

kids and a mom at kitchen island3 kids on counter stools

I’ve always been hyper aware of my surroundings. Keeping our home chic but relaxed just makes me feel good. That happy feeling makes me want to spend time in our kitchen; to take the extra effort to create a favorite snack for my family on a Saturday.

girls eating at the kitchen countermom and daughter eating happilyfamily gathered around kitchen island with 4 kid friendly counter stools

I hope my children conjure up the same good feelings when they think back on their childhood: a deep rooted feeling of happiness. You, as their parent, are the author of their memories, with a chance to write them a new story every day. Be purposeful. Gather around your kitchen island for a favorite family snack. Do something simple that brings your family joy over and over again. Do it until the cozy feeling of togetherness and the comfort family can bring is engrained into their little minds!

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See My Kitchen Favorites:

Read my review detailing all the Serena & Lily products we own!

Serena & Lily sponsored this post. Fortunately, Serena & Lily and I share the same ideas: that ordinary, small happy moments within your family are to be celebrated, and that practical should still mean beautiful!

All Images taken by Rosa Ashdown.

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Hi! I’m Chrissy, and I blog about making homes beautiful! We are renovating a full-of-potential house, while I share lifestyle content and thoughtful ways to beautify your home.

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  1. Robin Lucas says:

    What paint color is your kitchen island?

    1. chrissy says:

      it is krypton by Sherwin Williams!

  2. Rosa Ashdown says:

    You have such a sweet family and walking into your house feels like heaven! Thanks for having me document such special time together with your little ones!

  3. Vanessa (NaturallyFreckled.com) says:

    Your kitchen is seriously perfect ?