DIY Birch Log Wall Hanging for Christmas

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Decorating with fresh greenery is the absolute best during the holidays! I made this super easy wall hanging in my oldest son’s room for above his bed! Mine is made with faux greenery because I didn’t want to clean up needles behind the bed- ha – but go ahead and use fresh if you want!

I can’t really think of what to call it (Christmas Wall Hanging With Greenery? Christmas Log Display Hanging On A Wall? Not quite…) but it is adorable and could be done in a variety of ways! The whole project was cheap and SO easy to make! You don’t need to be crafty to make this, just follow my instructions.

Decorating With Fresh Greenery: DIY Christmas Birch Log Decor Tutorial

birch log wall hanging for christmas above bed black bed with a birch log wall hanging above it

birch log wall hanging for christmas above bed

What You Need:

  • A pretty birch log (Make sure it is light! I picked mine up at Michaels which doesn’t seem to have them listed online currently. They also sell them here, or here)
  • Greenery or garland (these stems and this stem and cut off the berries)
  • Fairy Lights
  • floral wire
  • Ribbon (what I used – green velvet would be beautiful!)
  • ornaments (I like wood or simple ornaments like these, big snowflakes or mini gold ornaments would look great too. Really anything you like!)
  • Hot Glue


Decide where you want your log to go, and how you are going to hang it up. Michales had a lot of long birch logs, and all were very light. After some debate, I decided it was best to just tie a ribbon over the log, and hang the ribbon over a small hook on his wall.

birch log hanging on a wall above a black bed

At this point, you are going to wrap your fairy lights around the log. Don’t do what I did and put the lights on the log last. It’s not a huge mistake, but it means you’ll be tucking the lights under the greenery and it’s just easier to put the lights on first.

Next, put the garland or stems in bunches on the bottom of the log and tie it around with floral wire. I did all this with the log hanging on the wall as I found it easier that way.

Don’t worry, the wire won’t be noticeable.

Lastly, take your Christmas ornaments and ribbon,  and loop the ribbon through the ornament. I placed a dot of hot glue on the bottom part of the ribbon, and folded it over on itself to hold the ornament. Vary the length of the ribbon if you want, so the ornaments hang at different ornaments and ribbon

To attach the hanging ornaments, I looped the top of the ribbon around the greenery stems and placed another dot of hot glue at the top of the ribbon, and folded it over on itself as well.  Try and hide them a bit in the greenery. Make adjustments as necessary!

birch log wall hanging for christmas above bed birch log christmas decor above bed

Robbie’s Room Sources:

There ya have it! I hope you enjoyed this way of decorating with fresh greenery. A pop of green in a white room is my favorite, but greenery livens up every type of room!

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Hi! I’m Chrissy, and I blog about making homes beautiful! We are renovating a full-of-potential house, while I share lifestyle content and thoughtful ways to beautify your home.

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  1. Constance says:

    Hi Chrissy. You have great taste and talent and beautiful ideas. Can you please let me know what kind of hooks you used to hang the log? Thanks!

    1. chrissy says:

      Hi! Thank you! I did this using command hooks. The log was light enough. The hooks will tell you how many pounds each will hold.