6 Best Items For Linen Closet Organization

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Why do we have such trouble with linen closet organization? These spaces are usually overflowing!

My closet was so bad I ran out of space for new items. It’s not like I’m an animal! When we moved into our home, I made sure our new linen closet was fairly neat. But without proper separation, I was struggling to find items, searching through piles of sheets to find the right sizes. My linen closet was bursting!

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6 helpful items for linen closet organization

The 6 Items I Used For Linen Closet Organization, That Kept It Neat FOR A YEAR!

It wasn’t until I separated each kind of item that I got a system down I could keep. Now here we are one year later, and even with my kids using this linen closet it is still organized! No more towels, blankets, and sheets you rarely use overwhelming you – separating creates an easy system you can keep up with.

I am a huge fan of separating! Since linens get messy quickly, separating bedding and sheets is the key to maintaining organization that will remain neat, no matter who is using the closet!

Here are the 6 items I used:

  1. Bed Sheet Bands (labels sheets)
  2. Large Canvas Boxes (groups towels and bedding, separating them)
  3. Smaller Fabric Bins (group hand towels, rags + washcloths)
  4. Vacuum storage bag (store thick bedding)
  5. Jumbo blanket bag (extra throw pillows / seasonal items kept dust free)
  6. Labels for bins

1. Bed Sheet Bands Group Sheets Together

Labeling your sheets quickly identifies the size without having to search through piles of items. Bundle up each person’s sheets, then wrap the bed sheet bands around the bundle. The bands have the sheet size printed on them.

bed sheet bands have size printed on the bundle of sheets

See the Bed Sheet Bands here

Don’t laugh at my folding, I’m a busy mom to four, okay? But all our sheets are now separated, and labeled!

2. Large Canvas Box To Separate Towels, and Each Family Member’s Bedding Is Grouped Together

Each person in the family has their their own large box for their bedding. Grouping items together, like all the bedding items for a specific room, makes it easy to put things back neatly. Just drop them in the Canvas Boxes!

This is especially helpful for older kids learning to put away their own bedding and change their own sheets! This gives each family member ownership.

girl taking out a basket in an organized linen closet

These boxes are also where you can keep your towels. Using large boxes separates kids towels from parent towels.

We separated our pool towels from the bath towels by using separate boxes for each. Now I’m not washing those giant beach towels off season.

towels folded in a box

 See the Large Canvas Boxes here

3. Use Fabric Bins To Group Smaller Items Like Washcloths, Hand Towels – Then Roll Them Up!

I used smaller bins, to gather each group of items, so it’s easy to put these away:

  • washcloths
  • hand towels
  • dog towels and rags
  • toilet paper

Stacked hand towels up in piles leads to confusion about which pile is which. A labeled smaller bin dedicated to one type of linen eliminates confusion! Roll up the towels to allow for maximum space. Separating all these items is the key to your linen closet organization lasting over time.

small fabric bins help with linen closet organization
washcloths kept in a fabric bin for linen closet organization

See the smaller bins here.

4.  Vacuum Storage Bag For Oversized Winter Blankets

Everyone has those fat winter quilts that are such a pain to fold and worse – to store. They take up SO much room, so if you’re tight on space, try a vacuum bag for better organization.

I had never used one before and it was easy! I put our blanket inside the bag and hooked up our vacuum tube up; it shrinks the fur blanket down inside its’ own box and zips close! I just tossed it on the linen closet floor!

*Be careful not to overshrink – the suction is so strong you can damage the blanket! I shared this on my Instagram:

vacuum bag squishing down winter blanket

See the vacuum bag I used here.

5.  Jumbo Storage Bag Keeps Rarely Used Items Like Extra Throw Pillows and Seasonal Blankets Dust Free and Out Of Sight

Store extra throw pillows, seasonal tablecloths and blankets folded up in these storage bags with a clear “window”, to keep them clean and dust-free. If they are rarely used they are now out of your way and out of sight!

Here are two, stacked up:

Dust free bags help with linen closet organization storing off season blankets

See the Jumbo Blanket Bags here.

6. Label Everything So It’s Easy To Put Items Right Back!

Labeling your linens helps quickly identify what you need without having to search through a pile of items, and allows you put them back in the right spot easily! Use small adhesive labels or my favorite, these labels that stick on bins, to identify your linens by size or purpose (e.g. guest room, kids’ towels, hand towels, etc.).

labels on boxes make a linen closet more organized

See labels sized to clip on bins and baskets here.

Everything is separated so well, there’s no mistaking where items live and where they should be put back! Once you organized your linen closet, maintaining its neatness should be easy if you created simple, labeled storage! Regularly declutter unused or outdated linens will help a lot, as well. Keep an eye out for any stains or tears that require immediate attention. 

a neat organized linen closet with stacked items

No matter your solutions, keeping your linen closet organized does requires effort upfront, but ultimately this has saved our family so much time and hassle in the long run! By purging, sorting, properly storing, labeling, and maintaining order regularly, you can ensure that your linens are always easy to find, clean, and ready to use.

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Hi! I’m Chrissy, and I blog about making homes beautiful! We are renovating a full-of-potential house, while I share lifestyle content and thoughtful ways to beautify your home.

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